Brussels Summer Festival 2015 rythmera Bruxelles du 13 au 24 août 2015

Publié le 29 Juillet 2015

From 14 till 23 AUgust 2015, the sounds of the Brussels Summer Festival will fill every corner of the city. Also known as BSF, the festival runs for ten days, featuring music and much more in the heart of downtown.

From 14 till 23 AUgust 2015, the sounds of the Brussels Summer Festival will fill every corner of the city. Also known as BSF, the festival runs for ten days, featuring music and much more in the heart of downtown.

Brussels Summer Festival 2015 rythmera Bruxelles du 13 au 24 août 2015

Rédigé par Last Night in Orient

Publié dans #Festivals, #Bruxelles, #2015

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