Make Someone Happy · Jimmy Durante

Publié le 23 Octobre 2019

La chanson "Make Someone Happy" a été enregistrée par de nombreux artistes.

It's so important to
Make someone happy,
Make just one someone happy;
Make just one heart the heart you sing to.
One smile that cheers you,
One face that lights when it nears you,
One girl you're ev'rything to.
Fame if you win it,
Comes and goes in a minute.
Where's the real stuff in life to cling to?
Love is the answer,
Someone to love is the answer.
Once you've found her, build your world around her.
Make someone happy,
Make just one someone happy,
And you will be happy, too.

Rédigé par Last Night in Orient - LNO ©

Publié dans #Jimmy Durante, #Make Someone Happy

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