Publié le 15 Mars 2022

Cette chanson a été l'une des premières à traiter du sujet de la maltraitance des enfants et de la violence domestique.

Luka est une chanson écrite et enregistrée par Suzanne Vega, sortie le  en single et sur l'album Solitude Standing. Elle reste le hit le plus populaire de l'artiste aux États-Unis, atteignant la 3e place du Billboard Hot 100. Elle est un succès dans le monde entier, la chanson traite de la question de la maltraitance des enfants. 

My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes I think you've seen me before

If you hear something late at night
Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was

I think it's because I'm clumsy
I try not to talk too loud
Maybe it's because I'm crazy
I try not to act too proud

They only hit until you cry
And after that you don't ask why
You just don't argue anymore
You just don't argue anymore
You just don't argue anymore

Yes I think I'm okay
I walked into the door again
If you ask that's what I'll say
And it's not your business anyway

I guess I'd like to be alone
With nothing broken, nothing thrown
Just don't ask me how I am
Just don't ask me how I am
Just don't ask me how I am

My name is Luka
I live on the second floor
I live upstairs from you
Yes I think you've seen me before

If you hear something late at night
Some kind of trouble, some kind of fight
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was
Just don't ask me what it was

They only hit until you cry
And after that you don't ask why
You just don't argue anymore
You just don't argue anymore
You just don't argue anymore

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Rédigé par Last Night in Orient - LNO ©

Publié dans #Luka, #Suzanne Vega, #1987, #Folk rock


Publié le 5 Juin 2021

Rédigé par Last Night in Orient - LNO ©

Publié dans #It's A Sin, #Pet Shop Boys, #1987


Publié le 27 Avril 2021

Agua de Luna (1987) un thème inspiré par une série de nouvelles du célèbre auteur colombien, Gabriel García Márquez.

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Rédigé par Last Night in Orient - LNO ©

Publié dans #Agua De Luna, #Ruben Blades, #salsa, #Gabriel García Márquez, #1987
